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Counselling in the asylum process

I have registered at the reception center, but I am not sure what the next steps are.

We will inform you..

  • how the asylum process works.
  • what forms of protection there are.
  • which country is responsible for your asylum application (Dublin III Regulation).
  • about your rights and obligations during the asylum procedure.

I have an appointment for the asylum interview, but I am not sure how to explain the reasons for my flight.


  • explain the meaning and procedure of an interview.
  • prepare you for the interview.
  • explain important documents for the interview.

I have received a positive / negative decision from the BAMF. But I don't know what to do now.


  • explain the asylum decision and the next steps.
  • support you if you have questions regarding family reunification or residence law.
  • advise on appeals against the asylum decision or the possibility of a subsequent asylum application.

Our counselling is...

  • Free of charge
  • Voluntary
  • Independent of other authorities
  • Multilingual (we have interpreters)
  • Accompanied by legal support.


Information in further languages



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Kristina Reichert

Direkt zum Kontaktformular

Anna Arndt

Direkt zum Kontaktformular


Asylverfahrensberatung (AVB) Gießen
Wiesecker Weg 17
35396 Gießen


Kristina Reichert
Asylverfahrensberatung (AVB) Gießen
Wiesecker Weg 17
Zur Routenplanung

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